Gum Dragon Blood Absolute Pure Resin
SKU : NTR-1115
USD 144.88 Per Kg ( Minimum order quantity : 50 )
- Formulations
- Clinical trials
- Naturopathy& Manufacturing dYes and varnishes
Product Details
- Unit : Kg
- Min. Order Quantity : 50
Gum Dragon Blood Pure Resin is a natural resin thathas a velvety red texture with brown spots on the surface that look similar to dried blood. It is obtained from the Damm al Akhwain tree of the Socotra Island in Yemen.
- Nutralfa (Private) Limited
- Karachi
- Fourth Floor, 20-C Main Khayaban E Shahbaz, Dha Phase Vi, Karachi.
- 03333881174
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