Miller Laryngoscope Set
SKU : AK-2000-02
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- The Miller laryngoscope is a straight blade designed to obtain a view of the vocal cords by directly lifting the epiglottis. It has useful application in ‘floppy’ airways making it popular in pediatric anesthesia. The Miller laryngoscope is the most commonly used blade today
Product Details
- Unit : Packet
Miller Conventional laryngoscope kit set of 4 mac blades with LED light source + handle in PVC hard box Miller Conventional laryngoscope blade #00 Miller Conventional laryngoscope blade #0 Miller Conventional laryngoscope blade #1 Miller Conventional laryngoscope blade #2 High-grade stainless steel construction Easy to use & clean comfortable and smooth with LED bright light Lightweight ergonomic design - high quality, durable set Uses 2 type C batteries (not included).
- Akhyar Surgical Professionals
- Sialkot
- Kashmir Road Pacca Garah Islam Nagar
- 03456717125
- https://www.aksurgicalpro.com
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- https://wa.me/+923320444457
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