Fiber Optic Macintosh Laryngoscope
SKU : AK-2000-00
USD 0.01
- The Macintosh laryngoscope has a curved blade that allows exposure of the larynx by positioning the tip in the vallecula
- anterior to the epiglottis
- lifting it out of view. Macintosh originally designed the laryngoscope to facilitate intubation in unparalyzed patients
Product Details
- Unit : Packet
Fiber Optic laryngoscope kit set of 2, 3, 4, and 5 mac blades with fiber optic cold light source and handle in PVC hard box Fiber optic laryngoscope blade mac #0 Fiber optic laryngoscope blade mac #1 Fiber optic laryngoscope blade mac #2 Fiber optic laryngoscope blade mac #3 Fiber optic laryngoscope blade mac #4 Fiber optic laryngoscope blade mac #5 High-grade stainless steel construction Easy to use & clean comfortable and smooth with fiber optic cold light source Lightweight ergonomic design - high quality, durable set Uses 2 type C batteries (not included).
- Akhyar Surgical Professionals
- Sialkot
- Kashmir Road Pacca Garah Islam Nagar
- 03456717125
- https://www.aksurgicalpro.com
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Fiber Optic Macintosh Laryngoscope